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Harmony Missionary Baptist Church of Richmond CA Harmony Missionary Baptist Church of Richmond CA

Harmony House of Hope Harmony House of Hope

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Harmony House of Hope

Posted on Sun, Aug 27, 2017

Community Outreach Program

HarmonyHarmony House of Hope is seeking sponsors and donations for our community outreach programs to help serve the less fortunate in our community. Harmony H.O.H is a non-profit program launched by Pastor David Jones in October 2010 to help to serve the underserved in our community,originally launched as Harmony Holiday House of Hope to help families during the holidays ,We served dinner during both Thanksgiving and Christmas season ,we've adopted families for Christmas to provide dinner and presents for underpriviledged children also we provided clothing and health packets that included complete hygenic products, all from the donations of the church members. We believe that God has given us the vision to expand this ministry to exist to ultimately serve our community yearound. What we see for this ministry in the future is provide low cost child care for low income and single parents, to establish a clothes closet for the community, to build a computer lab for students and to provide job counseling for those who have criminal records as well as provide summer lunches for children of our community. As the vision expands then so does the resources needed to fulfill the vision. we seek monetary donations,clothing ,equipment (computers/Laptops) and laborers to donate time to help us to clear out and renovate area we see as compter lab.Harmony MBC is 501c3 designated by federal Government so any and all donations are 100%tax deductible. For further info please contact the church office @510-236-2100.








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