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Harmony Missionary Baptist Church of Richmond CA Harmony Missionary Baptist Church of Richmond CA

PASTOR'S 9th Year Anniversary Services PASTOR'S 9th Year Anniversary Services

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PASTOR'S 9th Year Anniversary Services

Posted on Wed, Apr 21, 2010

Sundays March 13th,20th and 27th all services begin 3:30pm

 Come join us for a afternoon of praise and worship in this our Pastor's 9th year Anniversary.Come help us honor Pastor Jones in what promises to be a shoutin' good time.Many  Guest Pastors and Churhes have been Invited The voices of Harmony will be singing  and many Guest choirs are invited. All are welcome.For further details contact Church Office at 510-236-2100.


 WHERE: Harmony M.B.C

 108 17th Street

 Richmond,Ca 94801

 When: Begginning Sunday, March 13,2011

 ContinuingSunday, March 20,2011

 Concluding Sunday March 27,2011


 Time: All Services begin @  3:30pm



 Antioch M.B.C-Rev.Todd Wheelock,Pastor

 North Richmond M.B.C-Rev.D.K Mitchell,Pastor

 Revelation M.B.C-Rev.James Abner,Pastor

 Community M.B.C-Rev.Allen Barnes,Pastor

 New Testament M.B.C-Rev.C.C Stearns,Pastor

 Israelite M.B.C-Rev.Phillip Lewis,Pastor

 Kingdomland M.B.C-Rev.Leslie James,Pastor

 Harvest Fellowship Church-Rev.Chris Williams,Pastor

 First Corinthians M.B.C-Rev.William Travis,Pastor

 Galilee M.B.C-Rev.Oliver Hudson.Pastor

 Ollie Grove M.B.C-Rev.Elvin Baker,Pastor

 Christ Union M.B.C-Rev.H.B George,Pastor

 Harmony M.B.C-Rev.A.L Cobbs,Pastor